We were absolutely thrilled to announce - on Sunday 14th December at The Dowsing Sound Collective's Christmas Cocktail gig in the Cambridge Corn Exchange - the recipients of our second round of grants, totalling just under £4000!
It's been a brilliant round of applications, with so many humbling and creative projects, all using music to change worlds for people. We're incredibly proud of the seven projects we've been able to support, which are as follows:
· We're supporting Centre 33 through the provision of CD decks and speakers to enhance Centre 33's provision of youth services, particularly in Ely;
· Funding has been awarded to Alexia Sloane, a young gifted composer with sight loss to attend the Purcell summer school sound and music composition course;
· Funding has also been awarded to Archie, a boy with autism, to purchase a violin so that he can have violin lessons in his new school;
· We're supporting The Sunflower's Skoog Project, which involves the acquisition and implementation of cutting edge music technology to enable severely disabled children access to creative music making;
· We're also supporting Romsey Mill to support their ‘Off the Beat n Track’ project and purchase specialist recording equipment and offer structured music sessions for disadvantaged young people;
· Funding has been provided to a gentleman with dementia and aphasia and who previously had greatly enjoyed music and the clarinet, allowing him to access music therapy sessions to improve communication and well being; and finally
· We're supporting Cams Music Trust to enable young people in Cambridge to take part in a music club to study music theory and develop their creative musicianship.
What brilliant projects these are. Here's to using music to unlock worlds where they need unlocking, and a huge thank you to all of you that have helped make these grants possible. #musicchangeslives.
Alexia Sloane with her mother Isabelle and members of the Dosoco team at The Dowsing Sound Collective Christmas gig, during which Dosoco's awards were announced.